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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Amazon Audio Books I Narrate... ENJOY!

Greeting to All...
All is well over here on the home front, except a "few" morning challenges - eye glasses broke (thank LOVE for Krazy Glue), the boys (3 & 4 year olds woke up early this morning & climbed in bed with us) - 4 yr old peed himself in the bed, so you know the ol' "have to bathe him & change his sheets" ritual & I am going to have to make a Morning Grocery Store run; therefore, I will keep this post short.
Today, I want to share with you all 4 audio books that I had the pleasure of NARRATING & co-Producing... I will also share with you the eMail I received upon landing the gigs! Doing these are SO MUCH FUN! Which goes to show that it is NOT TOO late to go for your Visions & Dreams & "work" your passion! So, if you have something that you've always DESIRED to do, learn, travel, etc., then GO FOR IT!

So, if you're part of a book club, or just START one yourself, incorporate these BOTH print & AUDIO editions & then come back and give me your HONEST feedback of how my NARRATING skills were... be my VOICE critics so that I can improve my skills! First, the eMail:

Sun Oct 05 23:53:06 UTC 2014

Just listened to some of your work. Amazing. I would love to have you narrate some of our Titles. I run a large publishing company and we sell over 10,000 audiobooks per month. High Selling Books, Small Books 30-50 pages. This would be a Royalty Share, You will make more money this way. Please let me know if your on board and I will shoot you over an offer or you can go and look at some of the book titles we just uploaded to acx and audition.




In Production to be an Audio Book! In the meantime, Get the Hardcopy!

October 31, 2014 7:20 pm EST

Greetings to All... Well, here it is... My very 1st of (Prayerfully) Many AUDIO BOOKS! 
First of all, I am not taking anything away from "good ol' fashion" reading; however, due to certain "time constraints" people just don't have the time to "read" anymore. Well, have no fear, with technology the way it is today, you can actually "download" just about any book you want!

This book, in which I had the pleasure of Narrating, is about BLOGGING & if you just aren't ready to "go it on your own" you can start by being a "GUEST BLOGGER". Therefore, do yourself a favor and start a BLOG, or become a Guest Blogger and get the Audio Book Right here!



Also, if you would like to "listen" before you get the download, just click the LISTEN button below the title of the Audio Book! Listen on your Kindle Fire or with the free Audible app on Apple, Android, and Windows devices.


And while you're in the "LISTEN MOOD", try these HEADPHONES on for size!


So, give this Audio Book a try and if I'm not mistaken, you should get 2 FREE Book Downloads with the Purchase of the 
"GUEST BLOGGING: Everything You Need to Know About Guest Blogging" copy! 

How about that!? ... 3 Books for the price of 1!

And DON'T forget to give a 5 STAR RATING on Amazon!


Until Next Week... May you all have a VERY PRODUCTIVE, LUCRATIVE & PROFITABLE weekend!

Thank you!



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